International Women's Day - Leticia Gonzales

March 8th is International Women's Day. This week we wanted to highlight some of the exceptional women that work here at Allan Bros and to recognize their important contributions. Listen up as they each share a message about why women are good for the Ag industry.
Meet Leticia Gonzales. She is the Human Resources Manager for the warehouse and the orchard side. She's worked for Allan Bros for over five years. She shows incredible determination to further her education and to continue to grow as a person. She is currently working on her Business Degree with an emphasis on Human Resources and hopes to have that completed in a year and half. Her motivation is to work hard as a single mother to her five children, ranging in ages 22 to 10 months old. She believes that women are good for our industry because they are empathetic and understanding, key qualities needed in HR.

Posted October 31, 2022

International Women's Day - Leticia Gonzales
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