Envy™ is the brand for a drop-dead gorgeous apple, with a full-figured, intensely red skin. It is lightly russeted, which gives it a natural look, and has creamy, white flesh. The Envy™ brand apple eats as fantastically as it looks, with a crisp bite, and deliciously sweet flavor.
Parentage: Royal Gala & Braeburn
Availability: October – May
Usage: Best for salads and snacking but can be used for baking or cooking.
Source: Rainier Fruit
The JAZZ™ brand apple came to be when curious growers in New Zealand married the Royal Gala to the Braeburn. Add the Braeburn’s lively zip to the Royal Gala’s sassy sweetness and what do you get? An apple called JAZZ™ and one that comes by its extra dose of attitude naturally.
Parentage: Braeburn and Royal Gala
Availability: September-July
Usage: A refreshing choice for salads and snacking.
Source: Rainier Fruit